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MERN Stack Boot Camp Workshop

MERN Stack Boot Camp Workshop

24, Oct 2024 01:25 AM COMPLETED


The Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology have successfully hosted a four days Boot Camp workshop from 21/10/2024 to 24/10/2024. This workshop was conducted under the Innovixus Club. This workshop was based on the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) stack Web Development.

We would like to express sincere thanks to the

·  Director, Mr. Sachin Mishra sir

·  Administrative Officer,  Mr. Suresh Sharma sir

·  Principal,  Dr. Pradeep Patil sir

·  Vice Principal, Dr. Neha Khandelwal Madam

·  Head of CSE Department, Mr. Ashish Tiwari

·  Head of IT Department, Ms. Aarti Khare

for their kind support, cooperation & approvals that made this workshop possible. College management sponsored food, Branded T-shirts, certificates & other logistics to motivate students.


The MERN Stack Boot camp not only provided students with technical skills but also fostered a collaborative learning environment. 

We are looking forward to your continued support in the next upcoming workshop or event for students to explore and excel in the field of technology.

Program Coordinator:

Mrs. Akanksha Dubey